The UC and CSU applications can be a little tricky to figure out. Here are some helpful tips and resources. When in doubt, call the help lines or talk to Ms. Valverde at CCHS.
DO NOT WAIT UNTIL NOV. 30TH TO FINISH AND SUBMIT YOUR APPLICATIONS. The servers have crashed and you do not want to miss the deadline.
If you are unsure of anything, call the help lines!

Help Lines:
UC Application Help 800/207-1710 Nov. 24: Thanksgiving Day - Closed Nov. 25-27: 8 a.m. - 11 p.m. PST Nov. 28-30: 8 a.m. - midnight PST
CSU Application Help 800/468-6927 424/750-3939 Nov. 21-29, 8 am – 11 pm Nov. 30, 8 am – 2 am (Dec. 1)
California State Student ID:
Both the CSU and UC request that you enter your State Student ID if you know it. THIS ID IS NOT YOUR CCHS “Permanent ID Number” starting with 03000. Your State ID is on the lower left corner of your transcript and is a 10-digit number
Parent Level of Education:
CSU: if your parent attended some college, whether they got a degree or not, you can enter some college
UC: if your parent did not graduate from a 2 or 4 year college, leave the entry as high school graduate
Entering Classes and Grades:
Health is not an a-g course or a college preparatory elective, so do not enter it Honors or AP Classes:
CSU: Under the course listing, choose Honors or AP, and both semesters. Also click on Credit Earned For: Both Fall and Spring, or only Fall or Spring for a one semester class
UC: Make sure you select the course with H or AP Global Issues
On UC site: Global Issues is under 9th Grade College Prep Electives Enter the grade for the semester you took it, then enter NO for the other semester
On CSU: Global Issues is entered in Area G, College Preparatory Elective (not under Social Science/History, Area A) Click only on the semester you took it, and leave the other semester as “select a grade” One Semester Classes
UC: Enter the grade for the semester you took it or plan to take it, then enter NO for the other semester
CSU: Click only on the semester you took it, and leave the other semester as “select a grade” 12th Grade Classes: (see Govt/Econ below)
UC: Enter IP and PL (in progress and planned) for each semester
CSU: Enter Progress and Planned for current and next semester
Science Courses
CSU: Science is split up into Biological and Physical Science: Areas D1 and D2 Area D1 Biological Science includes: Biology, Physiology, Sport Medicine, Area 2 is for Physical Science: Chemistry, Physics, Astronomy, AP Environmental Science
UC: Click on appropriate classes in each grade level Astronomy is under College Prep Electives, make sure you choose the correct grade level, e.g. 10th LOTE: Languages Other than English and Math: Middle School On the UC application you can indicate if you took Algebra, Geometry, or a language other than English (Foreign Language) in Middle School. You do not have to report your grades, so you do not need your transcript. These semesters in Math and LOTE can be used to meet the a-g requirements in most cases.
US Government and Economics, AP US Gov. and AP Macroeconomics Each course is a one semester course. US Gov is in the social science section, Macroeconomics is in the college preparatory list
CSU: For both regular and AP Gov.Econ, enter the Government class under Area A Social Science, indicate the other semester as “select grade” AP Econ is under the Area g- College Prep Electives
UC: Enter AP Gov as a one semester class, put NO in the term you are not taking it in the History/Social Science area. Enter AP Macroeconomics or Economics the same way for 12th grade under College Preparatory Electives
AP Computer Science, Introduction to Sociology, Psychology
Both the CSU and UC consider these classes as College Prep. classes
EOP: Educational Opportunity Program
EOP is available to families who qualify as socio-economically deprived. If you are eligible for Free and Reduced Lunch then you may be eligible for EOP which also allows you a fee waiver for up to 4 applications in both the CSU and UC system (4 for each system). Please check with your counselor to see if you qualify.
Demographic Information
On both the CSU and UC applications there are questions about family income, and student sexual orientation. If you do not wish to fill these out, check to see if they are voluntary and not required.